Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Getting ready for take-off!

Saturday’s the big day! My flight leaves Indy at 6:30am, so Dad and I will be getting to the airport at 5am. You already know how excited we both are about waking up that early on a Saturday morning. And how excited Mom is that she’ll already be in New York. Maybe I just won’t sleep… Anyways, I’m flying through Miami, where my friend from high school, Ashleigh, will be picking me up so we can go to brunch because I have such a long layover. Then at 2pm, I depart for Quito! My flight should arrive around 5pm their time (1 hour behind Indy/the East Coast) and from the airport, I’ll take a taxi to the hotel I have reserved in the touristy district of the city (La Mariscal). I won’t have much time to explore Quito on Sunday, as I’ll be embarking after breakfast on my journey to Yunguilla, the ecotourism community where I’ll be living with a host family for the next 2 months. Here’s to hoping the Ecuadorian public transportation system isn’t any more complicated than SEPTA to figure out! I’m a little bit nervous about traveling by myself, but am sure that my Spanish and cultural experience (I’ve been to Ecuador twice before in high school on week-long service/learning trips) will help me immensely! Mom and Dad, this is the fruits of your ISI tuition money being put to good use! I’m not sure how often I’ll have Internet access, but I’ll try to update the blog when I can, and maybe even post a picture or two. I think there’s a place on the right-hand side of the page where you can insert your e-mail address and receive an alert when the blog is updated. I won’t have my cell phone with me, but if you feel like sending me an e-mail, my address is:
Thanks for all your well wishes! I can’t wait to start this adventure!

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